A selection of images from the BSOE exhibition which took place
12th September - 17th October 2009
Blue Mountain - 9 x 8 cms
Enamel on folded copper shim and slate with an ammonite fossil
Enamel on folded copper shim and slate with an ammonite fossil
Evangeline Long - Full
Weedon Barn - enamel on copper - 18 x 9 x 15cm

Penny Davis - Full
Asterionella necklace # 4
Silver, enamel, silk, gold foil, silver cable
Main bead – 35mm x 18mm
Approx. 10cm high by 8cm by 8cm,
copper shim (0.005" thick), corrugated, formed and enamelled
Approx. 10cm high by 8cm by 8cm,
copper shim (0.005" thick), corrugated, formed and enamelled
with Balls liquid flux and jewellery enamel.

'At the Edge of the Woods'
enamel on copper using stencils
15x15cm on 36x36cm frame.
enamel on copper using stencils
15x15cm on 36x36cm frame.

Ruth Ball - Full
Mark and Change - Liverpool Series - Enamel on Copper
15x15cm on a 30x30cm frame

Bonnie Mackintosh - Full
'Boontje Bowl' Copper, gold and enamel
Method: all sieved. SOJE177 Black on inside; SOJE1 Copper Flux, covered by KJE125 Gold as separate firing. Cut newspaper stencil, with sieved fires cale over the Gold. 6 x5.5cm
Stencil design based on Tord Boontje papercuts.
Hali Baykov - Full Member
also with http://www.surreyguild.com/
Bowl - Copper, enamel, gold and silver foil 4” x 2”

Dorothy Cockrel - Associate
"Coral Reef" - Bracelet
Britannia silver and enamel
14 x 9cm
Britannia silver and enamel
14 x 9cm

Linda Connelly - Full
At the bottom of the picture:
'Rock of Ages' Panel 503 x 93 mm exc. frame.
'Rock of Ages' Panel 503 x 93 mm exc. frame.
Textured enamel with found beach slate and pebbles.
On the upper left:
'Cakey Boxes' Enamelled cup cake boxes
On the upper left:
'Cakey Boxes' Enamelled cup cake boxes
with lift off lids and silver charms and candle holders. 48 mm - 35 mm.
On the upper right:Handbag vessels.
On the upper right:Handbag vessels.
Enamel with knitted wire and hand sewn seed beads.
Largest is 122mm x 105mm x 17mm.

Enamel on copper set in silver, with silver foil, gold leaf,
garnets and freshwater pearls. Centre oval bead 4cm x 3cm.
Photos : Pat Johnson & Carol Griffin